Way' hello students. Welcome to Syilx Okanagan Frameworks and Concepts. This will be an exciting course featuring historic storytellers, authors past and present. We will begin this course with my book Stimtema?; 13 Grandmother Moons m 2018 publication of my thesis research based upon the traditional captikwl (traditional stories of the Syilx - Okanagan). The captikwl will be studied in its traditional form through different Syilx authors and pedgogical approaches. From the historic first published Native American Author, Mourning Dove to the epic world of storyteller Harry Robinson to more recent academics of Armstrong, Derrickson, Marcle and Young-Ing to the collaborative writing of Armstrong, Grauer and MacArthur we will journey together to witness and examine the cultural frameworks and concepts of the Syilx Okanagan from both sides of the forty-ninth parallel.